Thursday, August 18, 2011

24 Weeks!!

Well we are slowly climbing our way closer to the day! Sorry I have not blogged in forever, we have had a death in our family, and also we have been going through a few obstacles with the babies. As everyone knows our precious little angels are identical, which means they are sharing one placenta. This can cause some problems as my pregnancy progresses. We saw our specialist three weeks ago and he noticed a difference between Baby A and Baby B’s amniotic fluids. Baby A had less fluid than normal, and Baby B had more fluid than normal. This is a sign of twin to twin transfusion which is a condition that happens only with identical twins. It basically means sometimes one baby gets greedy and hogs all the nutrients from the other. The good thing is that both babies are still growing at equal rates which is a perfect sign! When one baby starts to slow down their growing that is another key point in diagnosing twin to twin transfusion. We went to the specialist Dr. Hume this Tuesday and we got some good/bad news. Baby A’s fluid has gotten back to normal, however baby B’s fluid has increased a little more than the last appointment. There is a medical procedure that they can do to try and stop this process from progressing. However, it has to be done in Miami with world renowned Dr. Rubin Quinterro.  Right now Dr. Hume our regular specialist says that we are not to the point where we need that procedure. He is sending us to Shands Hospital next Wednesday to see another Fetal Medicine Specialist. He is going to analyze their weights and fluid volumes to see if it would be safer to go ahead and have the procedure in Miami or monitor me weekly and take the babies out early. So as you can tell we have been very pre occupied and anxious to find out how our little ones are. The good news is that all the couples here in Tallahassee who have had the procedure done in Miami, their babies have all made it to at least 35 weeks and are very healthy! I’m trying not to worry myself to much, I know that we have some pretty great and precious angels watching over us from heaven :) On some brighter news I feel the boys move ALL the time!! It’s so exciting to sit and watch my tummy move, and to feel them squirming around! I wonder what they are doing all the time when they punch me J My belly has grown even more!! Random people stop me and think I’m to my due date because I literally look like I’m going to pop! Sleeping has become impossible, between the waves of heart burn all night, the hip cramps from laying on one side to long, and having to pee at least three times a night it has become next to impossible!  Also, I eat everything all the time! I am constantly hungry!  Poor Greg, I have the best husband in the world because he puts up with my mood swings and gets me everything I ask for J One night I dropped my water bottle in the middle of the night, and there was no way possible I could bend down and pick it up! He heard my struggling and I asked him to come get it and he graciously saved me from dying of thirst. We have been doing a lot to get the nursery ready so Im going to post some pictures :) Well I am loving him being home now that he is done with training! Next week will definitely be cram packed but that’s ok! I’m so looking forward to seeing family and friends, hopefully it will lift our spirits some after everything that has been going on! I will keep everyone updated on the news from our Shands appointment next week :) RIP Aunt BJ you will always hold a special place in my heart <3