Friday, September 6, 2013

A year's worth of updates in a nut shell!

Well hello everyone! If my calculations are correct it has been over a year since I have blogged. Oh boy, have we had some major changes in the life of the Ah Sam family. The past year I have spent raising our energetic twins almost as a single mommy. Greg deployed in July of 2013 to Afghanistan and he returned home May of this year, Thank You Lord for bringing him home safe I am eternally grateful.

Our handsome angels were just 8 months old, hardly getting into everything, and only crawling when daddy left. I witnessed many first while Greg was gone, their first steps, their first words, their first experience eating solid foods. Fast forward a year.... we are quickly approaching terrible twos and boy have things DRASTICALLY changed!! I always tell Greg thank you Lord you are home now because if you had been gone any longer I think our little monsters had the potential of tying me to a chair and throwing me in the closet!
At 22 months, the boys are walking ( wait more like running or sprinting) , climbing on absolutely everything including the dining room table and the dresser in their room. They are eating ALL solid foods and whole milk, ( daddy sneaks them sweet tea every once in awhile, which of course they love). Christopher knows the animal sounds of the dog, monkey, lion, tiger, and we are working on the pig. Jonathan is sticking strictly to his lion sounds. They are both obsessed with cars and trucks, and love to make the noise of an engine revving up. They can say mama, daddy, and NO hahah! They are still a little behind in the language department, but the doctors have reassured us that because they were preemies this is typical.
We have had an extremely BUSY summer since daddy came home. We started our summer vacation off at the beach for a few days in Destin. We had a blast and the boys loved to play in the sand, but were still a little afraid of the roaring ocean. However, they were not shy in the pool! They can almost swim on their own and LOVE the water! The week after the beach, we made our way to Disney World! It was the boys first trip, and we all know how much they love mickey mouse! The look on their face the first time they met mickey was absolutely priceless. We did all of the Disney parks ( magic kingdom and animal kingdom were their favorite) and we went to typhoon lagoon which I think toped it all. They had the best time splashing around in the kiddie area, and floating down the lazy river. After a very LONG deployment I think we were all so happy to finally be on vacation away from reality.


There are so many pictures to share I could only pick a few! We also met up with Granny and pop-pop in Orlando for fathers day. We had so much fun with them and also got to go to the Cape, and visit NASA. The boys had a pizza party in the room with Granny and pop pop :)

To end the summer, we went to Ft. Lauderdale to visit granny. We had such a good time ( like always). The boys got to go swimming in the pool every day, and they got to go to the beach again. Greg and I took the boys to the Miami Seaquarium which they loved ( have I mentioned the boys now have their own fishtank?) We spent lots of time with family which is the biggest blessing of all <3

While Greg was deployed in April he started the LONG process of applying to the Florida Highway Patrol. He made it through each step extremely fast, the trooper who was approving all of his steps and test said he had never seen someone's packet go through the process that fast. Greg started at the Academy the beginning of August. We are so very proud of him, and we cant wait to see what life brings our family next! In December we get to find out which part of the state we will be moving too!He gets to come home most weekends, so the boys and I are settling back into our routine without daddy. To add to the stress I have started back at school this semester to continue my long term dream of becoming a physician assistant. We are all BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, but so thankful that daddy is back home now even if we only get to see him on weekends!
As for the boys, every time I look at them I am reminded of life's greatest blessing. Greg and I are so thankful that the boys are completely healthy after everything we went through to get them here they are doing perfectly fine and hitting all the right milestones! I still cant wrap my head around them turning two. Oh how time flies! Soon we will be attempting to potty train them, and boy do they have their daddy's attitude! They each have their own personality, and 90 % of the time fight and are extremely mean to each other! Every once and awhile I will catch those precious moments, of them hugging each other, or giving each other a kiss, or even sharing their snacks with each other. Those are the moments that completely melt my heart. Having twins is definitely not an easy task, but I would not change it for the world. They are our miracle babies <3  Maybe now that life has returned to a somewhat state of normalcy I can continue to blog! <3