Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Nursery!

21 Weeks :)

Well Greg came home Saturday!! Hallelujah!! My belly is growing so fast we can’t believe it. Things are getting increasingly more difficult for me to do by myself. I cannot bend down to pick up anything off the floor, and everyday my ankles swell up the size of baseballs. The boys are kicking and punching me all the time lately :) Today was very productive, we went to Babies R Us to try and finish up decorating the nursery before the shower. I had ordered the other crib last weekend while Greg was gone, and it came in today! Also so did the stroller that Granny ordered for us  J We got both crib sets today, as well as the mattresses! I have really learned how to coupon at Babies R Us, and also we love getting an extra 10% off on top of our coupons because we are having multiples. I’m so glad we are getting most of the nursery done now because I cannot stand for very long without my feet swelling like balloons!! Work is getting increasingly more difficult, when I get home all I want to do is go to bed! Good thing I finally finished with school last week! I have officially finished my AA, along with all of my pre requisites to prepare me for my dream of a career as a physician assistant. My hubby is very good at putting all of the baby stuff together! I’m so glad he is home, it has been a long month without him! Well I’m exhausted after such a long day!! So I think I’m going to talk Greg into getting me some ice cream, and then calling it a night! I am posting pics of the nursery!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

19 Weeks :)

19 Weeks!!

Lately all I have been doing is being exhausted! I spent one amazing week with Greg before he left again on Saturday for his next set of training. I have to say I have been way more emotional about this, it’s getting a little pathetic actually. Every night we Skype and when we have to say goodbye I cry. But if anything it is good practice for what life will be like while Greg is deployed. I can’t even believe we are at 19 weeks already! It seems like time is flying by. I’m hoping it continues this way.  A few things I can think of to share are 1. My belly is practically growing overnight! 2. Tums have become my absolute best friend,  3. I can’t sleep comfortably anymore, I flip flop around all night, and 4. As soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning they are already swollen and I am finding it painful to walk. Last Friday was an exciting day, we had two doctors’ appointments. Everything is looking great! The boys are on track with strong heart beats and their growing, Baby A is 8oz. and Baby B is at 9oz. Dr. Hume says it is perfectly normal for one baby to be a tad smaller. Also, good news I do not have gestational diabetes! My total weight gain so far is 9 pounds! Which they also said is perfectly normal, and that I will go through spurts where I gain a lot. We go back to the doctor on August 1st, and again on August 8th and we can’t wait! Greg was especially excited last week to be able to see the boys on the ultrasound since he missed the last appointment while he was training. I’m proud to say that we have officially decided on both boys first names! Jonathan and Christopher! However, the hard part will be deciding which little one gets which name.  Some other exciting news is I am feeling them move like crazy!! I think they think the inside of my belly is a trampoline J We are still waiting anxiously till Greg can feel them on the outside.  With Greg gone for these next two weeks Bella has made herself extra comfortable sleeping right next to me on Greg’s pillow with her head next to mine! I’m pretty sure she thinks she’s human haha.  We have also decided on a baby shower date August 27th. I think the shock has worn off, but we still have our days of disbelief that we are having twins. Its unbelievable but one thing we know for sure is how blessed we are to have such supportive family and friends. For now that’s all I have, if your reading this Greg I love you <3