Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hello 33 Weeks!!!!

Wow we never thought we would make it this far! Last week went very well at Shands the babies are doing great! We are now on weekly ultrasound and NST schedules. NST is where they monitor my contractions and the babies heart beats for 20 min just to make sure they are not in distress. Baby A is 3 pounds 14oz, and baby B is 4 pounds 3oz. We are a little bummed that they are 5oz. apart but the doctors say it is completely normal and happens more towards the end of the pregnancy. Everything is going so well that we are seriously considering switching back here to the Tallahassee doctors for delivery. I am trying to eat a lot to fatten Baby A up. We met with Tallahassee Pediatrics last week and loved them. We are going to try and meet with a few more pediatricians just to make sure we want to go with them. Our insurance is very tricky! I am still 1cm and 70% effaced. Also I am still having contractions off and on but I have my medicine that usually stops them. Hopefully next week I can start doing all my baby monitoring here in Tallahassee twice a week until the big day! We go back to Shands tomorrow and then back to my OB here is Tally on Tuesday. My belly is huge! I am now measuring at 42 weeks prego!!! I am still trying to finish all the thank you cards for the shower. I have been sleeping a lot! I am back to my mint chocolate chip ice cream cravings, and still hooked on pumpkin pie.  Everything for the babies is finished so we are just anxiously awaiting their arrival! I have been having dreams about them every night. We are also still reading our books for helpful hints on how to take care of the twins in the most efficient way possible. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some more good news to post!

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