Thursday, October 27, 2011

Two more weeks!

I have really been slacking on my blogging!! The day is getting so close and will be here before we know it. Two more weeks until we hold our precious little boys in our arms. November 15th at 11:00 am!!  After all of our twin to twin transfusion scares the boys are looking excellent! Monday was our last appointment at Shands Hospital in Gainesville.  As many of you know we were contemplating coming back to Tallahassee for the delivery. We love our doctor here and Tallahassee Memorial Hospital makes us feel a lot more at home than the chaos at Shands. I have two more office visits with our doctor before the big day, also I go weekly for non-stress tests to monitor the babies heart beats and my contractions.  On Monday my belly was measuring at a whopping 43 weeks!! None of my clothes completely cover my belly anymore and just walking to the kitchen and to the bathroom is getting difficult and painful these days. Getting in/out of the car takes a LONG time, and if it weren’t for my boppy pillow I would never get a wink of sleep. We found out that TMH does not have a nursery anymore so the babies will be right next to us in our room! I know Greg is going to win daddy of the year award because he is so ready to take on the challenge of taking care of the boys while I’m recovering from my C section in the hospital. Now that our shock of having twins has worn off we could not imagine it any other way. We feel so lucky and blessed that God has placed these two little boys in our lives. Hopefully these last two weeks do not feel like an eternity! Tuesday we got some really great profile pictures of the boys. Their little faces look so adorable :) Also they found a lot of hair on their heads!! So on that note to my precious little boy’s mommy and daddy are waiting for you so we can shower you with loving hugs and kisses!!

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