Monday, December 12, 2011

Sleep Deprivation!!

Sleep??? What is that?? Well the boys are almost 5 weeks old now, can you believe it?? We can’t!! Time has flown by already! Jonathan and Christopher have each developed their own personalities already. Jonathan is very laid back and curious. He stares at everything!! The best is when we are feeding him and he looks up at us with his big beautiful eyes.  Christopher is our chunky monkey! He loves to eat and always wants to eat before his next feeding time. He also loves to be held by mommy and daddy. Granny came to visit us to help out with the boys which was amazing!! She was such a big help and it gave me time to recover more from my bleeding problems. Plus it was so nice having her here and spending time together. I wish we lived closer so that we could all be together all the time. Of course it was so hard to say goodbye :( The boys have been extremely colicky. Poor things they just scream and scream and you cannot do anything to help them. We have been to the doctor probably 3 times in the past two weeks. They put the boys on some antacid medicine to try and help with the gas. Some days it seems to help and others not so much. Hopefully they will grow out of this stage soon while me and Greg still have some sanity left! It takes about an hour to feed the boys if they are on the same schedule…. If not boy are we in for it! Usually they both do not want to eat at the same time, so we always wake the other up to keep them on the same schedule. Otherwise it takes 2 hours to feed them, then you can maybe go back to sleep for 30 minutes and your up again to start all over. Both of the boys are so strong already they love to lift their heads up and look all around. Having multiples is definitely not a piece of cake but when you look at them into their precious little eyes it makes up for all of it. We love it when they smile at us ( although it’s probably just gas)! Last Friday Christopher weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces. Today I had to bring Jonathan back to the doctor because he had been sneezing and coughing all weekend and it kept getting worse. Poor thing has a cold :( We were told to buy a humidifier and also some saline drops and try and suction the mucus out of his nose. Which we had been doing already over the weekend. Now we are worried that Christopher will catch it too. So we have been frantically cleaning and trying to keep the germs under control. Today Jonathan weighed 9 pounds and 1 ounce. The boys are so precious in every way we are just soaking up every minute with them. The only hard part about having multiples is feeling like you are not giving them both enough love at the same time! So many days do I wish I could hold them both in my arms at the same time. We took our Christmas card pictures yesterday and we can’t wait to send them all out! For now we are trying to nurse our sick baby back to health :( Will keep everyone updated!!

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