Monday, November 7, 2011

Surprise!!! November 9, 2011 :)

Greetings from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital! Major change in plans! Greg had drill all weekend and of course on Sunday I was not feeling the babies move as much and also I was feeling very lightheaded so Greg thought it would be best to go to triage when he got home. We got to triage and my blood pressure was very high 149/89. Also Baby A’s heart rate was staying above 180 which is not good. Luckily our regular doctor was on call so he stopped by to discuss things with us. He was very concerned about my blood pressure, all of my swelling, and the babies heart rates so he decided to keep us overnight and monitor the babies and I all night. He also said that our fetal medicine specialist that we used to see here in Tallahassee would stop by our room in the morning just to check on the babies. They did lots of blood work Sunday night and also wanted to check my urine for 24 hours to check for excess protein which is considered preeclampsia.  They monitored us all night which was not fun! Greg and I barely got any sleep because the boys were jumping all around and kept falling off the monitors so the nurse would have to come in LOTS of times to find them again. This morning our regular doctor came in and said that our specialist would be in soon and that the babies were looking better on the monitors. Also he said that if our specialist said everything was fine we would more than likely get to go home on Tuesday.  When our specialist got here he did an ultrasound and discovered that Baby B is now breech, and also that the placenta is calcifying which could be a clue for upcoming potential placental failure. Which basically means the placenta would stop functioning properly and not supply enough nutrients for each baby. Both of our doctors took into consideration the high blood pressure, all of our past twin to twin transfusion problems, babies heart rates,  and the calcifying placenta and decided that they were going to play it safe and go ahead and take the babies out on Wednesday November 9th. We were expecting to have a week left as most of you know so I was in a state of shock when he said the babies will be born Wednesday! I will be a little over 36 weeks prego and the doctors assure us that especially with twins it is a major accomplishment to make it this far. Of course Greg and I feel very lucky to make it this far because a few months ago we didn’t think it would be possible. Also because of the high blood pressure they are making me stay in the hospital until Wednesday which I am not thrilled about but I know it is the best thing for me and the boys. We are extremely excited to be welcoming our little angels on Wednesday and can’t wait to overload everyone with pictures!!!!

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