Thursday, April 12, 2012

Busy Bee's

Warning.... Long post to follow!!! Oh my goodness.. where to begin! Yes I know I have not blogged in over a month! Life has been pretty hectic the past month! Our month started off with daddy leaving us for two weeks to start his pre deployment training. It was his first long time away from the boys so saying goodbye was not easy… do not ask me how we are going to all say goodbye for a whole year….After he left  nana, the boys and I went to Ft. Lauderdale to visit granny and attend my cousins baby shower! ( So excited for baby Easton’s arrival by the way!!) We had tons of fun down there and I have to say the boys did very well with the transition! However the car rides were not fun at ALL! The boys got tons of new summer clothes and were showered with LOTS and LOTS of LOVE from granny! It was so hard to say goodbye as always… wish we lived closer. 

When we got back home 2 days later Greg’s parents came to visit with our nephew DJ and the next day daddy came back home!! We were so excited to meet DJ for the first time! He has a great personality and is such a happy baby! Greg and I found out how much work we have ahead of us while DJ was around.. he is 10 months old and getting into everything! Lord help us when the boys start crawling! Two weeks without daddy was rough I spent a lot of my time stressing out! I think the boys can sense when I am alone because man do they play me. The morning feedings with their rice cereal are sooo dramatic!!! 

Skipping ahead to Easter… We had a wonderful Easter weekend! On Saturday we all colored Easter eggs as a family… We wanted to make the most of it since daddy will not be here to celebrate it with us next year. We took a MILLION pictures! Greg even had Christopher drop his egg into the cup of dye… (adorable)! Come to find out it was my egg that said “ We Love You Mommy”. Sunday morning we went to church and the boys did excellent!! They barley made a peep! Of course we got slammed with questions about the twins but we didn’t mind because they are just so darn cute!

As for me, I am trying very very hard to shed this baby weight!! I am doing the HCG diet and it is anything but easy. Greg is being so supportive dieting and working out with me! We are going on a cruise the beginning of May to the Bahamas! The boys are going to stay with nana! I am so excited but at the same time am so scared and sad all at the same time to leave the boys. This will be my first time away from them. Although I know nana will have everything under control. Next stop on the agenda… daddy is leaving again on the 22nd… At least it is only for one week this time. I just can’t imagine it getting any easier... Last time he was gone he was able to skype us.. and it was adorable because the boys would smile at him!!! Someone pinch me so I can wake up! Time is moving sooo fast! Can you believe the boys are already five months old and daddy is leaving in 2 months…SLOW DOWN time! The boys are doing great! They are learning new things everyday and we are enjoying every second with them as always!

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