Thursday, March 8, 2012

4 Months!!!!

We went to Maclay Gardens to take the boys four month pictures! As you know Greg and I were married there so it was the perfect place to do some photos! It was so fun but difficult because it is rare that we can get them both to look at the camera at the same time hehe. The boys are getting sooo big we cant believe it! They love diaper changes and they love being talked to! We get tons and tons of smiles daily! The new biggest thing is giggles! We are loving this stage because all you have to do is say anything to them and they laugh at us! It is the most adorable thing ever! Tomorrow at their four month check up we will find out how much they weigh. We are thinking probably close to 17 to 18 pounds. They are big boys! Most people can’t believe they are only four months old. We can’t either especially since they were born one month premature. 



I think for sure their favorite part of the day is their bath time!! They absolutely love baths! They kick and splash the water all over me and Greg every night! Of course we get so many smiles! Their eyes are almost completely brown now! When I look in their eyes I see their daddy! They are the spitting image of him! They still love their bouncers, bumbos, and play mats. They seem to be liking their high chairs as well. We are introducing rice cereal and on occasion daddy convinces me to give them a treat which is bananas (which they absolutely love) hehe. They are doing better with the rice cereal and are not spitting it out as much as they were.

We are almost 100% sure that the boys are teething! Their sleeping schedule has been thrown way off. They wake up now about two to three times a night and have to be rocked back to sleep. Poor babies! They are constantly gnawing on their hands and are extremely irritable and fussy at certain points during the day ( more than usual). We will find out for sure tomorrow. We have some teething toys we have been sticking in the refrigerator and giving to them. It seems to help a little. 

They are both rolling from their stomach to their back. With a little help they can both sit up for about 30 seconds at a time!! It is very exciting!! They love tummy time and they try SOOO hard to move anywhere! They really get their legs kicking and they both flail their arms around. It is so cute! Also they both are extremely vocal! They make a lot of vowel sounds at us all day long! Its adorable! They think anything we do is funny!

Jonathan could not resist his fingers!

Car rides are not exactly their favorite these days. Especially if we are all packed in my car (which is next to impossible). In Gregs truck they do ok because they love the sound of the loud muffler. Sometimes I think they just do not want to be trapped in their car seats. Every day with them is a blessing! We still can't quite believe that we were blessed with twins. They are wonderful and make every day special :) Our baby boys are growing soo fast! We can't wait to see what milestones they cross over the next month! I'm thinking baby proofing is going to be in our near future!

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