Friday, May 25, 2012

6 months!

(We can tell Christopher has the outgoing personality! hehe)

Can you believe the boys are already 6 months?? We can't... it feels like just yesterday they were born! Now we have 2 busy bodies on our hands. They are into EVERYTHING!!!! They absolutely LOVE to explore and learn new things. They are soooo incredibly close to crawling... they are more like scooting around on their tummies. But let me tell you if they want to get somewhere they get there somehow. Tomorrow Greg and I are going to buy one of those play area gates that you put puppies in... yes we are going to put our twins in one. They are so mobile that they go in opposite directions of each other so I am constantly chasing them... ohhh how I know its only the beginning (sigh).

They are very very close to sitting up on their own. They can sit up for a few seconds by them selves and then a toy catches their eye and they lose their balance.... its so adorable! They are also babbling like crazy.. I was in high hopes that we might hear a mama or dada before daddy leaves for deployment but as of now no such luck. Christopher is the outgoing and aggressive one.... he loves anything he can get his hands on. I can tell he is going to be the trouble maker already! Jonathan loves to explore also but he is more laid back and likes to watch us all the time!

They are now eating solids three times a day in addition to their bottle feedings! They are doing extremely well with it! We still get the occasion instances where they spit it out at us but everyday it gets better. I cant tell you what their favorite foods are because they pretty much love everything. They still LOVE baths, and we still get soaked every night. They absolutely love to splash mommy and daddy. The boys Love to show off when we are trying to dress them or change their diaper by trying to roll over on the changing table... which is not funny. They recently had their 6 month check up and got their shots. The doctor said they were growing beautifully and that we are doing a fantastic job with them. She also said that we make having twins look easy! That complement made me feel good :) Christopher weighs almost 20Ib and Jonathan weighs almost 19Ib. They are growing soooo fast. They are wearing some 9 month clothes but mostly 12 months, and some 18.

Surprisingly they do a lot of things together at the same time. If one burps... two seconds later the other one does, or they spit up at the same time, or they  roll over at the same time. Its amazing! They are still waking up a few times through out the night.. so we rock them and usually they go back to seep. Lately they are becoming extremely aware of each other... they make each other laugh all the time which is so precious! Oh my goodness I fall more in love with them every single day. No matter how frustrated or exhausted I get they still make me smile. There is no better thing in the world than being a mother. I cant wait to see what new milestones they will cross next!

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