Monday, May 28, 2012

Into Everything

The boys have been into everything lately!! They are scooting all over the place and they are extremely fast! Both of them go in different directions when they want something so it was getting a little hard for me to chase after both of them. By the time I would get one back to his original spot the other would have taken off somewhere. Well, Greg and I fixed this problem and the boys now have a colorful and fun jail (as we like to call it in our house).

We are absolutely loving it and so are the boys! They will stay occupied in their new jail for a while before we hear any fussing! However Christopher is the aggressive one and is always crawling all over Jonathan. They have a huge play area but they still are on top of each other. Jonathan is doing a lot of babbling recently and the other day he babbled dada and mama... but I know he didn't do it on purpose and we cant get him to do it again....Also, the other day Greg and I walked out of the room for a few seconds while the boys were in their jail and when we walked back into the room Jonathan was standing up holding onto the side of the gate!!! Can you believe that?? We ran for a camera but by the time we got one he was down. We could not believe he pulled himself up to a standing position!!!!! We can tell already that Jonathan is the observant one and Christopher is our little energizer bunny because he is always smiling and causing trouble! They are growing sooo fast and everyday we see new changes. Greg and I are cherishing and soaking up all of these family moments!

1 comment:

  1. OH-OH how I miss those little chunkey-monkeys
    they are SO00000oooo darn cute. YES, you can send them to Granny ANYTIME!!!!
