Friday, March 2, 2012

Escaping time.

Is March really here already? Time has been flying by so fast. We want it to slow wayyy down so we have all the time with daddy we can! Deployment is coming at us full speed. We knew this was coming, but I guess there is just never enough time. Well I have been meaning to put my schedule up as promised. However, I need to revise it because the boys have been consistently sleeping till at least 9:00am! Sometimes they make it to 9:30 but its rare. We have been so lazy lately. Enjoying being together as a family. Tonight daddy had to leave us to go to training. So I am going to tackle bath time by myself!! Lets see how this goes. I am excited to say I witnessed with my own eyes Christopher roll over in his crib! I knew he could do it, my baby just needed his time.Both of the boys are so vocal!! When they have their baths we get so many smiles and giggles! No matter how cranky they are before their bath when those feet hit the water it is all smiles! So darn cute! Just when I think we have enough things for these two they out grow something!!! We have had a jungle play mat since a few weeks after they were born. They both have always fit under it, and were always fine together playing under it. Well, I do not think that is working out so well anymore! They always kick each other and try and eat each others hands. Basically when we put them under it we end up having two screaming babies!! Not a good sign... maybe they do not like to share?? Anyways, when we put them under it by themselves they are golden! See the problem? I guess we might have to break down and purchase another one. Have I mentioned how many things these two have! I swear we could open a baby store! Twins need a lot of equipment haha! We have been discussing lately how safety proofing the house is just around the corner. Lord help us is all I can say when these two start crawling! I never believed people when they said time flys when you have babies. It is soo true!! My little tiny babies seem to be growing up so fast. We have sort of put the rice cereal and fruits on hold. We meet with out pediatrician next Friday! We are so anxious to know how much they weigh and to talk about introducing solids. Although I am so not ready for it. The few times we have given them rice or bananas it has been a disaster. I am posting some new pictures I have taken. I better go and start bath time. They are kicking each other under the jungle! If I can get them both bathed, feed, and asleep by the time daddy comes home it will be a miracle!!!!

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