Monday, March 5, 2012

Our weekend!

Yesterday was family day at the Army unit! So we got to go see daddy :) It was the first time bringing the boys so of course everyone could not keep their hands off of them. They did very good (surprisingly). They gave out lots of smiles and giggles which was adorable! Of course the most asked question was " How can you tell them apart?". I wrote a blog post about this a few weeks ago, but I was nice with my answer and simply said " They have a few different features". We only have two more weeks with daddy until deployment training starts. I ask myself everyday what we are going to do without him. All I can say is we are going to stay busy and we are going to take lots of pictures! For this training hopefully we will be able to skype at night when he gets done with his training. 

Daddy & Jonathan :) This picture melts my heart!

So happy daddy came home! 

As for the rice cereal...... it is a work in progress. Last night they both screamed their heads off through the whole feeding..that was stressful hehe! Greg thinks it is easier to feed them when they are screaming because their mouth is open haha hilarious! Hopefully things will get better the more feedings they have with it!

We are kind of suspecting that possibly the boys could be teething. I know its early but everyone thinks they are already six months by how big they are so I have to say I would not be surprised if they really are. They gnaw at their hands all day long and they soak up their shirts in drool everyday. Their sleeping schedule at night has not been going as well as usual. The night before last they woke up at 3am ( not like them at all!) This morning they woke up at 6am. When they wake up they are very fussy and irritable. Poor babies.... they have their four month check up Friday so we are going to ask. Even though it was early this morning daddy could not help but to snap a few pictures of what we wake up to every morning!! No matter how tired we are it puts a smile on our face every time!

Jonathan.. Sleepy baby

Today we had a lazy day! Daddy was home with us which was nice. We dressed the boys  in a cute outfit because we were going to go to walmart. However, we ended up never going haha. But I had to snap a few pictures of the boys anyways! They are getting so big! They are sooo incredibly adorable! Christopher is getting so much more hair! Since they were born Jonathan always had more hair.. its funny because now Jonathan has lost most of his and Christopher has ALL the hair!! As far as their their temperaments go.. they switch roles on us everyday so it is hard to tell! Only time will tell I guess :)

Proud Nana!

Christopher watching Veggie Tales on Daddy's phone!

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