Monday, June 27, 2011

17 Weeks!!!

Well let’s see let me try and sort through my mush brain and see what new news I have for everyone! I literally forget everything these days, it’s getting a little ridiculous. I wish my husband was here to laugh at me! I forget where I leave my keys, purse, and cell phone. I forget to return phone calls, do homework, and lately I think of a million things to tell Greg when he calls me at night and by the time  I get my nightly phone call literally all my information has disappeared out of my head!! So because of all this I find a million post it notes all over our room with daily chores I need to complete, and new info to tell Greg at night. We are now entering the 17th week of pregnancy!! My belly is growing faster and faster, and my hunger has really set in as I am hungry ALL the time! I am felling stronger movements lately and Greg is so excited and can’t wait to feel the babies kick on the outside! Today after I ate lunch at work it felt like they were jumping on trampolines! I’m wondering if this is a sign of some two hyper little ones! Saturday I went  to do a gestational diabetes test, which was not fun at all! My mom went with my since  Greg is still away for training. Basically I had to drink this “fruit punch””” flavored glucose drink and wait for 1 hour in the waiting room. Then they drew my blood. However it was not a good experience because I told the phlebotomist that they usually have trouble finding my veins, ( she did not listen). She pricked me and no blood came out so she proceeded to push the needle in more which felt like someone was stabbing me. My mom gets very queasy when she sees needles and blood so she waited In the waiting room ( I laugh at her constantly because of this hah). I really missed Greg holding my hand while she was pricking me :(, so the end result was a bruised arm and exhaustion. I think I slept 4 hours when we got home. We will not get the results until our next Dr. appointment on July 8th.  We actually have 2 doctor appointments on that day. One with our regular OBGYN and also with our specialist Dr. Hume.  Dr. Hume was a MD in the military for 25 years, so he was very willing to make a little room for me and Greg a few days earlier before Greg leaves again for Kentucky for another two weeks for more training.  So I know I have been promising everyone baby belly  pics and as soon as I can find the adaptor to upload them I promise I will do so! However, I will gladly take reminders since I will more than likely continue to forget with my mush brain! Well I think that is about as exciting as tonight’s news is going to get. I am anxiously awaiting Greg’s arrival home on Saturday! I miss him so much!! I’m  praying these little bumpkins will kick so that daddy to be can feel them  on the outside!! Anyways until next time everyone! And I love you honey so excited for you to come home Saturday!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The past week has been exhausting for me! Greg left on Friday and I have been extra emotional about him being gone lately. Today was our big Dr. appointment with Dr. Hume the specialist to confirm what the babies are going to be. My mom came with me since Greg is gone. Greg had us prepared to video the appointment and the ultrasound so that it would almost be like he was there when we got the conformation of what our little ones are! However, we were not allowed to video that appointment the Dr. said so Greg was really disappointed. But we are extremely excited to announce the conformation of two little BOYS in the oven!!!! We could not be happier, we are ecstatic and can’t wait to hold them in our arms! The appointment went very well both Baby A & Baby B are growing and thankfully Baby A caught up with Baby B this week and they now both weigh five ounces! Dr. Hume says they both look normal, and that there is nothing to worry about. From now on we will be seeing Dr.Hume every two weeks so they can monitor their growth and amniotic fluid. I was able to schedule our next appointment while Greg will be home on his break before he leaves again for his second round of training :) Lately I have just been really tired and craving mexican food ALL the time! Well that’s about all I can think of tonight and I’m so tired so I think I’m going to sign off. Maybe I will have more energy to blog tomorrow!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Exciting News!!

This weekend was a lazy weekend! Greg and I went to Babies R' Us to register which was fun, exciting, and overwhelming all at the same time!! Greg also took me to get mexican food! My FAVORITE that I want all the time lately!! Greg is leaving on Friday which I am becoming sadder about by the day :(
Sunday was extremely lazy because we laid in bed all day and watched movies because I was feeling really tired. I also got woken up around 5 am this morning from cramping which really scared me, so I called the doctor when they opened and they told me to come in to check everything out and make sure everything was ok. Greg and I were scared out of our mind, but as she rubbed the ultrasound wand over my tummy we heard little heart beats :) The Dr. reassured us that everything was ok. Baby A weighs 4 ounces, and Baby B is just a tiny bit behind. Both babies were squirming all around and the Dr. said everything looked great. The way they explained my cramping to us was that the way the twins move in the womb can sometimes be very uncomfortable to me. They also noticed that Baby A was laying right on my bladder! ( Lucky me, that explains a lot haha).  Greg and I felt 100 % better leaving the doctors office today, and were really glad we went in to make sure everything was ok with the little ones. Besides getting to see and hear our little angels, we got some more excting news today! Since Greg is leaving on Friday, after the doctor reassured us that the babies were ok I asked if he could possibly tell a little earlier than next Tuesday what their sex might be!! It was determined that they are almost positive they are BOYS!! I am happy with whatever God blesses us with as long as they are healthy! Now to only think of some good strong names!! Next tuesday I go to see Dr. Hume ( the specialist) and he will be able to tell 100% what they are. Greg has made me and my mom promise that we are going to video the ultrasound and Dr. Hume telling us for sure what they are. Im still sad he will not be there for us to hear together, but today was a nice little suprise (minus the scare) :) We are very excited and can not wait for our bundles of joy to come into this world. We posted some pictures that we got today at the doctors, we can't figure out how to rotate them on here yet. Anyways im exauhsted so Im going to go to bed! Goodnight everyone!

15 Weeks!!

Baby A

Baby B

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Eating, Eating , Eating

Well, I just got home from class. I have class Tuesday's & Thursday's from 7:45-9:45 and by the time I get home it’s around 10:15 :( . Usually after working all day going to class is the last thing I want to do because I’m exhausted! Tonight I had to stop and make a detour on the way home because I had a spontaneous craving for tacos!!! YUMMY!! Eating almost a jar of pickles today probably was not a substantial enough of a meal (ha-ha). Lately I am hungry all day every day ( which Greg finds hilarious). He sees me eat so many pickles that now I think he is having pickle cravings as well!! Both of us go for the pickle jar at the same time!! For some reason whenever I’m in class the babies decide to squirm all around !! Maybe tonight it’s because they were hungry. However, Tuesday they were very active! I felt a lot of kicking just on one side and it was the longest I have ever felt them move which was very exciting! Greg and I can’t wait till he is able to feel them move from the outside of my tummy! We are also anxiously waiting for June 21st which is the day we get to find out the sex of our little angels! Sadly Greg won’t be home, he is leaving for training next Friday. With my emotions going hay wire I am extra sad about him leaving this time :( But we decided that I would video Dr. Hume telling us the big news so it’s almost like him being there :) Now that my tummy is full on Taco Bell I think I’m going to indulge in some mint chocolate chip ice cream ( another one of my favorites recently) and then go to bed because I’m exhausted!! Hopefully I will have some more exciting stories for everyone soon! Goodnight!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our journey so far!

Well the past three and a half months have been very interesting and an adventure as well I must say! It all started on April fools day (ironically) as me and greg anxiously awaited the results of a home pregnancy test. When I noticed the two pink lines I started to shake and could not get the words out to tell Greg. I was in complete shock and shaking, and my sweet husband calmed me down with that huge smile on his face symbolizing everything was going to be ok. All I can say is it was in God's plan to be blessed with a baby at this point in our life ( as well as shocking) ! Telling my mom on April fool's day was also a pretty funny story. When she walked in the door from work she could tell I had an uneasy look on my face. As I proceeded to break down in tears she said " What happened? Did you crash the car?" I responded "No" However I must say the remark I had in my head was " No but you will wish I had". She was overjoyed with the news and she also gave me a huge hug a gave me even more reassurance. At our first ultrasound appointment Greg and I were so nervous but Dr. Dixion reassured us with hearing the heart beat of our little growing peanut. Also he reassured us that there was only one bun in the oven (hahah). We scheduled an appointment with the Fetal Medicine Specalist upstairs to do some routine down syndrome screening without knowing it would be the most shocking day of our lives! As the nurse proceeded to do the ultrasound, she looked at us and asked " Have you had an ultrasound before today" I responded " Yes, at 8 weeks." she then went on to say " Oh so you know that you are having twins then right?". The look on our faces had to be priceless! We both burst out into laughter. We thought for sure she was playing a joke on us, being first time parents.Come to find out she was not! She showed both Baby A & Baby B, along with hearing there little heartbearts. They were moving all around like they were jumping on a trampoline. Everytime she would try and measure one, they would move. Walking out of the Dr's office that day was intersting, I felt soo sick with the news. However, after we calmed down we were both very excited! Telling our families was intersting and hilarious, we had just gotten home from a visit to Greg's parents in Fort Campbell the day before our appointment. Over that weekend we had joked about having twins! Little did we know we had two cooking in the oven! It was hilarious to hear everyone's reaction on the phone! Now that the news is settling in we could not be happier to be blessed with two! We found out last week that both babies are in their own amniotic sac which is great news! The doctors say everything looks great and we should not be worried! We will be making more frequent visits to both my OBGYN and also our Fetal Medicine Specialist Dr. Hume every three weeks ( as is routine in a pregnancy with twins). So far I have gotten over most of my nausea. During the first few weeks around week 6 & 7 the smell of fish made me want to run to the bathroom. Just recently I have become fixated with pickeles! I keep trying to persuade Greg to leave work and bring me pickles ( knowing im being dramatic about it ). One other thing that Greg has found hilarious lately is everytime I sneeze I pee. I know it sounds gross but, pregnancy isnt always beautiful! But at least Greg and my mom get good laughs out of it! My baby bump is growing faster than normal! I will put weekly pictures up soon! So now that everyone knows the story until now I guess I will sign off, and continue blogging about the funny stories from day to day. Have a great day everyone!