Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our journey so far!

Well the past three and a half months have been very interesting and an adventure as well I must say! It all started on April fools day (ironically) as me and greg anxiously awaited the results of a home pregnancy test. When I noticed the two pink lines I started to shake and could not get the words out to tell Greg. I was in complete shock and shaking, and my sweet husband calmed me down with that huge smile on his face symbolizing everything was going to be ok. All I can say is it was in God's plan to be blessed with a baby at this point in our life ( as well as shocking) ! Telling my mom on April fool's day was also a pretty funny story. When she walked in the door from work she could tell I had an uneasy look on my face. As I proceeded to break down in tears she said " What happened? Did you crash the car?" I responded "No" However I must say the remark I had in my head was " No but you will wish I had". She was overjoyed with the news and she also gave me a huge hug a gave me even more reassurance. At our first ultrasound appointment Greg and I were so nervous but Dr. Dixion reassured us with hearing the heart beat of our little growing peanut. Also he reassured us that there was only one bun in the oven (hahah). We scheduled an appointment with the Fetal Medicine Specalist upstairs to do some routine down syndrome screening without knowing it would be the most shocking day of our lives! As the nurse proceeded to do the ultrasound, she looked at us and asked " Have you had an ultrasound before today" I responded " Yes, at 8 weeks." she then went on to say " Oh so you know that you are having twins then right?". The look on our faces had to be priceless! We both burst out into laughter. We thought for sure she was playing a joke on us, being first time parents.Come to find out she was not! She showed both Baby A & Baby B, along with hearing there little heartbearts. They were moving all around like they were jumping on a trampoline. Everytime she would try and measure one, they would move. Walking out of the Dr's office that day was intersting, I felt soo sick with the news. However, after we calmed down we were both very excited! Telling our families was intersting and hilarious, we had just gotten home from a visit to Greg's parents in Fort Campbell the day before our appointment. Over that weekend we had joked about having twins! Little did we know we had two cooking in the oven! It was hilarious to hear everyone's reaction on the phone! Now that the news is settling in we could not be happier to be blessed with two! We found out last week that both babies are in their own amniotic sac which is great news! The doctors say everything looks great and we should not be worried! We will be making more frequent visits to both my OBGYN and also our Fetal Medicine Specialist Dr. Hume every three weeks ( as is routine in a pregnancy with twins). So far I have gotten over most of my nausea. During the first few weeks around week 6 & 7 the smell of fish made me want to run to the bathroom. Just recently I have become fixated with pickeles! I keep trying to persuade Greg to leave work and bring me pickles ( knowing im being dramatic about it ). One other thing that Greg has found hilarious lately is everytime I sneeze I pee. I know it sounds gross but, pregnancy isnt always beautiful! But at least Greg and my mom get good laughs out of it! My baby bump is growing faster than normal! I will put weekly pictures up soon! So now that everyone knows the story until now I guess I will sign off, and continue blogging about the funny stories from day to day. Have a great day everyone!

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