Monday, June 13, 2011

Exciting News!!

This weekend was a lazy weekend! Greg and I went to Babies R' Us to register which was fun, exciting, and overwhelming all at the same time!! Greg also took me to get mexican food! My FAVORITE that I want all the time lately!! Greg is leaving on Friday which I am becoming sadder about by the day :(
Sunday was extremely lazy because we laid in bed all day and watched movies because I was feeling really tired. I also got woken up around 5 am this morning from cramping which really scared me, so I called the doctor when they opened and they told me to come in to check everything out and make sure everything was ok. Greg and I were scared out of our mind, but as she rubbed the ultrasound wand over my tummy we heard little heart beats :) The Dr. reassured us that everything was ok. Baby A weighs 4 ounces, and Baby B is just a tiny bit behind. Both babies were squirming all around and the Dr. said everything looked great. The way they explained my cramping to us was that the way the twins move in the womb can sometimes be very uncomfortable to me. They also noticed that Baby A was laying right on my bladder! ( Lucky me, that explains a lot haha).  Greg and I felt 100 % better leaving the doctors office today, and were really glad we went in to make sure everything was ok with the little ones. Besides getting to see and hear our little angels, we got some more excting news today! Since Greg is leaving on Friday, after the doctor reassured us that the babies were ok I asked if he could possibly tell a little earlier than next Tuesday what their sex might be!! It was determined that they are almost positive they are BOYS!! I am happy with whatever God blesses us with as long as they are healthy! Now to only think of some good strong names!! Next tuesday I go to see Dr. Hume ( the specialist) and he will be able to tell 100% what they are. Greg has made me and my mom promise that we are going to video the ultrasound and Dr. Hume telling us for sure what they are. Im still sad he will not be there for us to hear together, but today was a nice little suprise (minus the scare) :) We are very excited and can not wait for our bundles of joy to come into this world. We posted some pictures that we got today at the doctors, we can't figure out how to rotate them on here yet. Anyways im exauhsted so Im going to go to bed! Goodnight everyone!

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