Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The past week has been exhausting for me! Greg left on Friday and I have been extra emotional about him being gone lately. Today was our big Dr. appointment with Dr. Hume the specialist to confirm what the babies are going to be. My mom came with me since Greg is gone. Greg had us prepared to video the appointment and the ultrasound so that it would almost be like he was there when we got the conformation of what our little ones are! However, we were not allowed to video that appointment the Dr. said so Greg was really disappointed. But we are extremely excited to announce the conformation of two little BOYS in the oven!!!! We could not be happier, we are ecstatic and can’t wait to hold them in our arms! The appointment went very well both Baby A & Baby B are growing and thankfully Baby A caught up with Baby B this week and they now both weigh five ounces! Dr. Hume says they both look normal, and that there is nothing to worry about. From now on we will be seeing Dr.Hume every two weeks so they can monitor their growth and amniotic fluid. I was able to schedule our next appointment while Greg will be home on his break before he leaves again for his second round of training :) Lately I have just been really tired and craving mexican food ALL the time! Well that’s about all I can think of tonight and I’m so tired so I think I’m going to sign off. Maybe I will have more energy to blog tomorrow!!

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