Monday, June 27, 2011

17 Weeks!!!

Well let’s see let me try and sort through my mush brain and see what new news I have for everyone! I literally forget everything these days, it’s getting a little ridiculous. I wish my husband was here to laugh at me! I forget where I leave my keys, purse, and cell phone. I forget to return phone calls, do homework, and lately I think of a million things to tell Greg when he calls me at night and by the time  I get my nightly phone call literally all my information has disappeared out of my head!! So because of all this I find a million post it notes all over our room with daily chores I need to complete, and new info to tell Greg at night. We are now entering the 17th week of pregnancy!! My belly is growing faster and faster, and my hunger has really set in as I am hungry ALL the time! I am felling stronger movements lately and Greg is so excited and can’t wait to feel the babies kick on the outside! Today after I ate lunch at work it felt like they were jumping on trampolines! I’m wondering if this is a sign of some two hyper little ones! Saturday I went  to do a gestational diabetes test, which was not fun at all! My mom went with my since  Greg is still away for training. Basically I had to drink this “fruit punch””” flavored glucose drink and wait for 1 hour in the waiting room. Then they drew my blood. However it was not a good experience because I told the phlebotomist that they usually have trouble finding my veins, ( she did not listen). She pricked me and no blood came out so she proceeded to push the needle in more which felt like someone was stabbing me. My mom gets very queasy when she sees needles and blood so she waited In the waiting room ( I laugh at her constantly because of this hah). I really missed Greg holding my hand while she was pricking me :(, so the end result was a bruised arm and exhaustion. I think I slept 4 hours when we got home. We will not get the results until our next Dr. appointment on July 8th.  We actually have 2 doctor appointments on that day. One with our regular OBGYN and also with our specialist Dr. Hume.  Dr. Hume was a MD in the military for 25 years, so he was very willing to make a little room for me and Greg a few days earlier before Greg leaves again for Kentucky for another two weeks for more training.  So I know I have been promising everyone baby belly  pics and as soon as I can find the adaptor to upload them I promise I will do so! However, I will gladly take reminders since I will more than likely continue to forget with my mush brain! Well I think that is about as exciting as tonight’s news is going to get. I am anxiously awaiting Greg’s arrival home on Saturday! I miss him so much!! I’m  praying these little bumpkins will kick so that daddy to be can feel them  on the outside!! Anyways until next time everyone! And I love you honey so excited for you to come home Saturday!!

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