Sunday, January 29, 2012

Crib Status

             I am a very proud mama today! My babies slept in their own cribs last night. We stuck to our usual bedtime routine…. bath, bottle, bed. They went down around 10:30 and woke up at 2,6, and 10 for a feeding which is not bad at all. Of course I did not really get a wink of sleep because I was so worried. Every tiny little noise I heard through the monitor I jumped up and ran down the hall. The boys will only sleep on their bellies because they continually startle themselves on their back. They have great head control so I know I should stop worrying so much. We also have the Angel Care movement sensor monitors which are great ( we 100% recommend them). If they do not detect movement (*breathing) for more than 20 seconds it beeps so loud you can hear it throughout the house. They have different sensitivity levels ( ours is set on the most sensitive level)  so sometimes it can go off if the boys move too far off the sensor pad. Last night we had an alert and I jumped out of bed so fast! It only went off because Jonathan had wiggled his way all the way to the side of the crib by the bumper. Thank God I purchased breathable crib bumpers. I am definitely not ready for this big change… but I know they can’t keep sleeping in their bouncy seats or boppy pillows. I want them to be close to me all the time…I missed them so much that I could not wait for them to get up too see their smiles while they got changed. We are also moving them into the crib for their nap times during the day. Usually they fall asleep in their swings so as much as I do not want to move them I do anyway because I want them to associate sleeping with their cribs. So tonight is night two… we will see how It goes! Updates to follow….


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