Thursday, January 19, 2012

Growing Boys!

I know I have not blogged in over a month! Can you blame me? As a wife and mother of two newborns I can barely find the time to brush my own teeth in the morning! Well here we are at 10 weeks to the day! (Sorry everyone I started writing this yesterday and had to tend to the boys). These two and a half months have flown by. Where are my two little boys?? They have already grown so much. We can’t believe they are both over 12 pounds now!! Over the past month they have both really crossed some developmental milestones. They are now awake a lot more during the day, they have really great head control, and they are smiling every day! We are working towards getting the boys on a schedule. When we wake up in the morning we have “breakfast” then play time on their jungle play mat ( which is starting to get too small for both of them to share) lol. Then we have a mid morning nap, maybe a swing, more play time, and at night we have bath time around 7 or 8. They have a bath and then we try to put them to bed. We are working on transitioning them to their cribs L Of course I am totally not ready for it. I like being right next to them to hear every little whimper or cry so I can run to the rescue. Of course we have baby monitors for the nursery but to me it’s not the same. We also invested in breathable crib bumpers because I have read wayyy to much about SIDS. So on paper everything looks great and they are ready, however mommy is definitely not! J and C had their two month check up a week ago and we were advised that we have been over feeding them! I proceeded to explain to the doctor that they wake up every three hours on the dot starving!! When their diapers are dry, they don’t want to have anything to do with the pacifier, they are being held and they still scream their heads of they are definitely starving! Other than that he said they are perfect and that we are doing a great job! He also wondered if we still had our sanity hehe. He told us that soon they should be sleeping at least 5 hours during the night and skipping a feeding…… we are holding out for that!!! Please come soon! However, last night was amazing they slept from 2:30-8:00!! Amazing!! I found a new trick, when they get fussy after about 2 or 3 hours during the night I roll them onto their bellies and they fall right back asleep. They LOVE to sleep on their tummies (which scares me of course). They are both so alert it’s amazing. Also, they are both starting to look more alike!!! It’s scary!! Jonathan’s cheeks are filling out more now so he is starting to look more like Christopher. We recently went to Orlando to spend time with Granny, and some very good friends of the family from Belgium Lut and Lies. We had a great time, and I think we handled traveling with the boys fairly well. Of course I WAYY over packed! We had the whole bed of the truck packed down. It’s kind of funny, we can only go anywhere in Gregs truck because we cannot fit anything in my car. I can’t wait for the day I get my big SUV! Anyways we had a blast and it was sooo hard to leave. It tears me apart to watch my granny cry. Oh how I wish we all lived closer. Reality is setting in with Gregs upcoming deployment. Time is flying by too fast, what will we do without him? It is going to be a major challenge emotionally being without him and also trying to raise two boys under 1 year by myself. Thank God I have my mom to help out! Time needs to slow down some so we can soak in every second with him. He is the best daddy in the world! Everyday we overcome new obstacles with the twins. God knows it is definitely not easy raising multiples but somehow we make it work. We are a great team, and it gets easier everyday. I never would have thought we would have twins but now I could not imagine it any other way. I am loving being a mommy to my two precious boys. Being a mother is the most rewarding thing on earth! I cant wait till they start sitting up and crawling!!I am posting some new pictures of the boys! Can you tell them apart??

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