Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I know I have said this before and we completely failed at it, but tonight we are going to attempt crib sleeping again. I have been researching ways to make the transition easier. Basically I think we are doomed and I should stop being selfish and accept that it will be a long process of crying on the boys part and exhaustion on mommy and daddy’s part. I read about the cry it out method and the no tears method. I will definitely be opting for the no tears method. Which means a lot of comforting and rocking because I know my boys are not going to want to be left alone in their cribs. I have also read a lot of articles on twins wanting to sleep together. Some even say that their twins cannot sleep unless they are together. The boys have their own cribs, however I may have to try that method although SIDS scares me to death. I’m having a hard time letting them go into their own room, I love being right next to them. So it is a good possibility I just might cry along with them. As hard as its going to be I know we need to transition them now. We need to take advantage of the time we have with daddy because when he leaves in march for deployment training I’m on my own. We have 54 more days with him until training begins, and this upcoming deployment becomes a reality. Those of you that are close to us know this is our first deployment with him. One of my fellow army wives called me a superhero the other day! Of course this made my day. She has been through deployments before with her husband and told me that my motherly instincts will kick in while he is gone and we will make it through. Although she said she could no imagine raising two children under one year without her husband. All I can say is it will only make us a stronger family. I read a quote the other day “Live everyday like he deploys tomorrow” so that is exactly what we will be doing! I am posting some new bath time pictures!! Also Jonathan fell asleep the other day in the living room all stretched out! Cutest thing EVER! Smiles are an everyday occurrence now and it melts your heart!! Hopefully tonight goes well, or mommy and daddy could be spending the night on the nursery floor….

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