Sunday, February 26, 2012

We found our hands!

Just a quick post to fill everyone in on how the boys have found their hands! This has been going on for a good two weeks now! They are absolutely obsessed with their hands and fingers. It was very adorable at first but now it is hard to even pry their hands away from their mouth to give them their bottle. Ahhh! It is kind of funny when they are sitting next to each other and one of their hands touches the other ones mouth they try to eat each others hands! Priceless moments!

Go Bannanas!

*** ( Sorry everyone I started writing this post last Monday and poor nana got sick with kidney stones, so me and the boys have been giving her lots of extra lovin!) Our boys are growing like weeds! We now have two wonderful high chairs! They are the Graco 3-in-1 Duo Diners and we LOVE them!! They come right up to the table so the boys sit with us at dinner every night. They love it!! They play with their toys and really watch us with our food while we eat. We decided that since they have such great head control and are really good supported sitters, we would try some rice cereal. Let me tell you this was an experience! First of all we made it a little too soupy… and the boys spit it out at us which of course was expected. Let me just mention I am totally not ready for this next step! I am scared to death that they will choke themselves. Also, my babies are growing up so fast! Where has the time gone? Four months already?? I feel sooo clueless when it comes to feeding them solids. They seemed like they did not like it very much so daddy decided we should try some bananas. I had some coupons a few weeks ago to get baby food so we got some basics.. bananas, apples, pears. Jonathan LOVED them!! Christopher wasn’t so sure but I think by the end of the feeding he liked them too. It was so fun and exciting to see them trying something new! The faces we got were priceless! Of course I got it all on video, in addition to lots of funny pictures! On another note the boys are doing fantastic on their schedules! They are consistently sleeping all through the night! It is absolutely amazing to be getting more sleep these days! We are working on their sitting up skills. It is amazing when we have tummy time they lift their heads up so high. We also get endless smiles every time they look at us! However I must say daddy is the only one that can really make them giggle lots and lots! It is going to be so hard when he leaves us for training next month :( :(… I am posting lots of pictures from our week!

Jonathan loving his bananas!

Daddy & Christopher

Trying to get to his brother :)

Christopher eating his rice cereal!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Updates with the Ah Sam Family!

           Well we have a roller!!! Yes Jonathan rolled from his belly to his back!! We have been working on it for a while, and the other day while we were having tummy time it happened soooo fast!! Luckily I grabbed my iphone just in time to catch it on video! Since then he loves to roll in his crib. In the mornings I find him on his back when I had laid him on his tummy the night before. Christopher is still working on it. He has a stubborn personality so when we have tummy time he gets frustrated hehe. I know he will find his own way when he is ready. Although, Christopher is better at trying to sit up. He is trying so hard…. he will sit up for a few seconds and then topple over. He loves it! He laughs and smiles when Greg is working on it with him. I have established a GREAT daily routine with the boys! I have been by myself lately since Greg went back to work so I thought it was time to get a solid routine down. I may have taken it to a little bit of an extreme as I actually bought pretty paper to print it out on and put it all over the house. On the refrig, in the boys room, and in our room. I guess I am becoming one of those moms…..but I think it is great!

           They are following their schedule perfectly! We have broken away from every three hour feedings. They are now eating 6oz. in the mornings and evenings before bed. Then we have mixed amount of ounces throughout the day. I will post my schedule on here just in case any moms of three month old twins out there need an example! I searched and searched and searched the internet to try and find an example of a good twin schedule and of course I could not find one! Resources for twins are quite limited. Funny thing, Greg said last night that he was going to invent a double front twin carrier. Wouldn’t that be great! It sure would come in handy for us ….. haha! The boys are definitely growing like weeds. We can’t believe it, its like we go to bed one night and the next morning they grew taller. I love watching them grow and discover new things, but in all honesty I kind of miss my tiny tiny babies. They sure do not look like preemies anymore. Yesterday I was going through some old pictures and they looked sooo frail when they were born. Greg and I know we have done a great job because they are two happy and healthy boys! Also, I found a picture of my belly!! It is absolutely AMAZING that they were tangled in their together. We have come a LONG way! 

             We are excited to purchase another high chair tomorrow at Babies R’ Us. They offer a multiples discount on top of any coupons you have. I have become quite the coupon queen when it comes to purchasing baby items. With twins the costs definitely add up, and it is double everything! I NEVER buy anything there without a coupon! Greg cannot wait to start them on baby food. I had a coupon the other day and we got some banana, apple, and pear baby food! We are going to start putting them in their high chairs every night and sitting with us at the dinner table. Another add on to my daily routine! Also, we are looking into purchasing another play pin because of course they do not make one to hold twins!! AHHH so aggravating. We found a Graco pack in play at Costco for $40. That is by far the best deal we have found. Especially since we really only need it for traveling.

            Valentine’s day was wonderful this year. We spent It as a family. We played with the boys for hours and they loved it! (I am trying to take lots of videos, as I am working on a little project for Greg’s deployment!)Of course I did not make It to the grocery store earlier that day because the boys were a little cranky. I did not feel brave enough to take them to the store! When you have two screaming babies you get a lot of stares!! So we ordered in. My wonderful husband got me beautiful roses, and also a gift certificate to get a massage! I am so excited! Also, I got my first Mom card! Soo exciting!

               Everyone is doing really well. We are still enjoying all of our moments together. Trying to make so many memories with daddy. Greg leaves in March for a couple weeks, and then it will be on and off training for a while until deployment day. ( Sad face) July is going to come wayyyy to fast! But we are so thankful to God that he was here to see the boys being born, and to have lots of special time with them. Well I think it is time for me to go. I see the two little munchkins dozing off in their bouncer play sets! Its time for their mid morning nap! More updates to come soon!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sent from heaven

        Just a quick post tonight! I want to remember these little special moments we have with the boys. Our days can be so completely hectic with the twins that in all honesty by the end of the day I am ready to pull my hair out! Being a mother of twins is no walk in the park, everything we do is multiplied by two. Every feeding, diaper change, play time, naps, baths! Our days feel endless and exhausting! However, when our day comes to an end and we start our night time routine it starts with a bath and I get endless smiles! Then I get laughs on the changing table. When it comes to their bottles Christopher sucks his down while Jonathan is more of a leisurely eater! Every other night I switch off who I get to rock to sleep. I love to rock and sing my boys to sleep. When I look at their angelic faces I thank God every night that he has put these two babies in my life. They are truly sent from heaven. It amazes me every minute that the boys and I made it through my pregnancy. There were so many nights that Greg and I were unsure of their future. I cherish them even more every day for everything they went through to get here. Being a mother is the most precious gift in the world!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Three months

        Our munchkins are three months old! Can you believe it? We can’t, it seems like just yesterday in the OR when we heard them say hear comes Baby A! The boys are really crossing some developmental milestones. They are smiling sooo much, which is the most adorable thing in the world. Also, call us crazy but Greg has gotten both J & C to laugh (or giggle)! It is the cutest thing, it even brought tears to my eyes to hear them laugh for the first time! It must be daddy’s touch! They both love to have their diapers changed (that is when we get the most smiles). They still love their jungle play mat, and their swings are still a life saver. Some new favorites these days are their jumparoo, bumbo seats, and lets add their very own cribs to the list!! We are working on grabbing toys and holding on to them, but I think we have a little bit longer to go in that department. If I put their rattles in their hands they will hold onto them for about 30 seconds, but that is as far as we have gotten.
        At three months we have two very happy boys sleeping in their cribs every night. Their bed time is anywhere between 9 and 10:30, depending on how much they slept earlier in the day. They get baths every night, which is also up there on the favorite list! They love splashing in the water, which usually ends in a huge mess for mommy to clean up (times 2)! After bath time they have their last bottle, and then rocking and singing for around 30 minutes. They go right to sleep! Usually they sleep until around 4-6am. As for Greg and I we are very much enjoying not getting up every three hours through the night. So I think everyone is feeling more rested. We are definitely settling into our routines, which is Great! People always ask me how we do it with multiples…. the only thing I can say is get them both on the same schedule!!! It is an absolute must, or you will end up with no sleep and unhappy babies. While Greg is working things are getting easier doing it by myself. We stick to our routine, and feeding both at one time is a breeze! We can’t wait until their four month appointment, we really would like to know how much they weigh! They already look like they are going to grow up to look just like daddy. As you know I take monthly pictures in our glider chair, so I am posting them!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mother of twins = Exhausted

Tonight I am blogging from my iPhone because I have found myself to exhausted mentally and physically to get up to get my lap top... Greg is gone this weekend training so we are on our own! The boys are showing the pre symptom signs of a cold and I feel like the worst mother in the world for them being sick again.... The word that sums up today is CRANKY. The boys were extremely irritable today ( times 2). Thank goodness for nana or all my hair would be pulled out by now. Today we braved through toys r us and target... Very daring on my part lol. People always amaze me when they see I have twins. We get so many comments. Here are some of my favorites..." oh my god twins! God bless you", or " I'm glad it's you and not me, I don't know how you do it with two", and my absolute favorite "how do you tell them apart?" Here is what I would love to say to these people. Yes God did bless me twice, and I'm glad it's me and not you too, and for those that don't know how I do it... they are my children I do whatever I have to do to make our lives functional and full of love. As for my absolute favorite comment, these two beautiful babies are in every way apart of me and they have my heart and soul forever.. Of course I can tell my own children apart!! It's almost to annoying to go out anywhere because we always here these comments over and over. On another note the boys did very well while running our errands. But when we got home the engine blew!! They have been crying for hours ( poor babies). Christopher decided to throw up all over me today in addition to his crib ( which was lovely). They just finally went down at 12:30. Hopefully they will get a good nights rest tonight but I doubt it since they are not feeling well. As exhausted as I am I'm so upset my babies are sick... Just when I feel like I can't handle two anymore they look up at me and smile and it erases all the stress . Being a mother of multiples is no walk in the park. I have had my share of melt downs right along with the boys. I just need to remind myself they are only babies once, and I do not want to miss one moment of it ( even the stressful ones). Tomorrow is a new day! I'm going to continually tell myself that tonight!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Our Week Pics!

Our week in a nut shell!

                We have been trying to get the boys out into the fresh air. So some days we go to the park! The boys like to swing with daddy. On another note, crib sleeping is going very well!!! Three nights they slept all through the night. They have their last feeding around 10:30 and usually sleep anywhere between 7 and 8 in the morning. Last night however they decided to wake up at 4am… Once they wake up for their first morning feeding they continue to feed every three hours throughout the day. I am very pleased with this because we have managed to bring their feedings back down to anywhere between 24 and 28 ounces. At their two month checkup the doctor made me feel like the worst mother in the world for over feeding them. They wanted to eat every three hours around the clock at that time so that put them at 32 ounces a day, which is WAY too much. What can I say when they want to eat they want to eat right NOW. The only problem we are having is Jonathan’s angel care monitor alarm keeps going off at night. It is starting to worry me. I am wondering if he has baby sleep apnea. Tonight I am going to switch them in the cribs to see if Christopher’s alarm goes off while Jonathan is in his bed. I was reading online about how babies born premature have a greater chance of developing sleep apnea. So for now I am keeping a close eye on him.
             Other updates over the past week are, we broke out the jumparoo that the Mendelson’s got us at our baby shower. It has been sitting in the garage since August, and we thought hmm wonder if they are big enough for it yet. They have great head control and are under 25 pounds so Greg put it together and they LOVE it!!! We are trying to save to buy another one because they are taking turns now and it is not working out to well. They both want to be in it at the same time of course. Also we have a Bumbo chair. They also love this, it helps with their posture and they can sit up with us. It is sooo adorable! It really helps me when I need to feed them both I can sit one baby in the chair. Our schedule’s during the day are getting better. They have a mid morning, afternoon, mid afternoon, and evening nap. All lasting about an hour or so.  Then we have bath time, one more bottle, and down by 10:30 or 11:00. We are enjoying their smiles so much! They love to be talked too! I am posting pictures from the park, bumbo, and jumparoo pictures!