Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Three months

        Our munchkins are three months old! Can you believe it? We can’t, it seems like just yesterday in the OR when we heard them say hear comes Baby A! The boys are really crossing some developmental milestones. They are smiling sooo much, which is the most adorable thing in the world. Also, call us crazy but Greg has gotten both J & C to laugh (or giggle)! It is the cutest thing, it even brought tears to my eyes to hear them laugh for the first time! It must be daddy’s touch! They both love to have their diapers changed (that is when we get the most smiles). They still love their jungle play mat, and their swings are still a life saver. Some new favorites these days are their jumparoo, bumbo seats, and lets add their very own cribs to the list!! We are working on grabbing toys and holding on to them, but I think we have a little bit longer to go in that department. If I put their rattles in their hands they will hold onto them for about 30 seconds, but that is as far as we have gotten.
        At three months we have two very happy boys sleeping in their cribs every night. Their bed time is anywhere between 9 and 10:30, depending on how much they slept earlier in the day. They get baths every night, which is also up there on the favorite list! They love splashing in the water, which usually ends in a huge mess for mommy to clean up (times 2)! After bath time they have their last bottle, and then rocking and singing for around 30 minutes. They go right to sleep! Usually they sleep until around 4-6am. As for Greg and I we are very much enjoying not getting up every three hours through the night. So I think everyone is feeling more rested. We are definitely settling into our routines, which is Great! People always ask me how we do it with multiples…. the only thing I can say is get them both on the same schedule!!! It is an absolute must, or you will end up with no sleep and unhappy babies. While Greg is working things are getting easier doing it by myself. We stick to our routine, and feeding both at one time is a breeze! We can’t wait until their four month appointment, we really would like to know how much they weigh! They already look like they are going to grow up to look just like daddy. As you know I take monthly pictures in our glider chair, so I am posting them!

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