Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mother of twins = Exhausted

Tonight I am blogging from my iPhone because I have found myself to exhausted mentally and physically to get up to get my lap top... Greg is gone this weekend training so we are on our own! The boys are showing the pre symptom signs of a cold and I feel like the worst mother in the world for them being sick again.... The word that sums up today is CRANKY. The boys were extremely irritable today ( times 2). Thank goodness for nana or all my hair would be pulled out by now. Today we braved through toys r us and target... Very daring on my part lol. People always amaze me when they see I have twins. We get so many comments. Here are some of my favorites..." oh my god twins! God bless you", or " I'm glad it's you and not me, I don't know how you do it with two", and my absolute favorite "how do you tell them apart?" Here is what I would love to say to these people. Yes God did bless me twice, and I'm glad it's me and not you too, and for those that don't know how I do it... they are my children I do whatever I have to do to make our lives functional and full of love. As for my absolute favorite comment, these two beautiful babies are in every way apart of me and they have my heart and soul forever.. Of course I can tell my own children apart!! It's almost to annoying to go out anywhere because we always here these comments over and over. On another note the boys did very well while running our errands. But when we got home the engine blew!! They have been crying for hours ( poor babies). Christopher decided to throw up all over me today in addition to his crib ( which was lovely). They just finally went down at 12:30. Hopefully they will get a good nights rest tonight but I doubt it since they are not feeling well. As exhausted as I am I'm so upset my babies are sick... Just when I feel like I can't handle two anymore they look up at me and smile and it erases all the stress . Being a mother of multiples is no walk in the park. I have had my share of melt downs right along with the boys. I just need to remind myself they are only babies once, and I do not want to miss one moment of it ( even the stressful ones). Tomorrow is a new day! I'm going to continually tell myself that tonight!

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