Sunday, February 26, 2012

Go Bannanas!

*** ( Sorry everyone I started writing this post last Monday and poor nana got sick with kidney stones, so me and the boys have been giving her lots of extra lovin!) Our boys are growing like weeds! We now have two wonderful high chairs! They are the Graco 3-in-1 Duo Diners and we LOVE them!! They come right up to the table so the boys sit with us at dinner every night. They love it!! They play with their toys and really watch us with our food while we eat. We decided that since they have such great head control and are really good supported sitters, we would try some rice cereal. Let me tell you this was an experience! First of all we made it a little too soupy… and the boys spit it out at us which of course was expected. Let me just mention I am totally not ready for this next step! I am scared to death that they will choke themselves. Also, my babies are growing up so fast! Where has the time gone? Four months already?? I feel sooo clueless when it comes to feeding them solids. They seemed like they did not like it very much so daddy decided we should try some bananas. I had some coupons a few weeks ago to get baby food so we got some basics.. bananas, apples, pears. Jonathan LOVED them!! Christopher wasn’t so sure but I think by the end of the feeding he liked them too. It was so fun and exciting to see them trying something new! The faces we got were priceless! Of course I got it all on video, in addition to lots of funny pictures! On another note the boys are doing fantastic on their schedules! They are consistently sleeping all through the night! It is absolutely amazing to be getting more sleep these days! We are working on their sitting up skills. It is amazing when we have tummy time they lift their heads up so high. We also get endless smiles every time they look at us! However I must say daddy is the only one that can really make them giggle lots and lots! It is going to be so hard when he leaves us for training next month :( :(… I am posting lots of pictures from our week!

Jonathan loving his bananas!

Daddy & Christopher

Trying to get to his brother :)

Christopher eating his rice cereal!

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