Thursday, February 16, 2012

Updates with the Ah Sam Family!

           Well we have a roller!!! Yes Jonathan rolled from his belly to his back!! We have been working on it for a while, and the other day while we were having tummy time it happened soooo fast!! Luckily I grabbed my iphone just in time to catch it on video! Since then he loves to roll in his crib. In the mornings I find him on his back when I had laid him on his tummy the night before. Christopher is still working on it. He has a stubborn personality so when we have tummy time he gets frustrated hehe. I know he will find his own way when he is ready. Although, Christopher is better at trying to sit up. He is trying so hard…. he will sit up for a few seconds and then topple over. He loves it! He laughs and smiles when Greg is working on it with him. I have established a GREAT daily routine with the boys! I have been by myself lately since Greg went back to work so I thought it was time to get a solid routine down. I may have taken it to a little bit of an extreme as I actually bought pretty paper to print it out on and put it all over the house. On the refrig, in the boys room, and in our room. I guess I am becoming one of those moms…..but I think it is great!

           They are following their schedule perfectly! We have broken away from every three hour feedings. They are now eating 6oz. in the mornings and evenings before bed. Then we have mixed amount of ounces throughout the day. I will post my schedule on here just in case any moms of three month old twins out there need an example! I searched and searched and searched the internet to try and find an example of a good twin schedule and of course I could not find one! Resources for twins are quite limited. Funny thing, Greg said last night that he was going to invent a double front twin carrier. Wouldn’t that be great! It sure would come in handy for us ….. haha! The boys are definitely growing like weeds. We can’t believe it, its like we go to bed one night and the next morning they grew taller. I love watching them grow and discover new things, but in all honesty I kind of miss my tiny tiny babies. They sure do not look like preemies anymore. Yesterday I was going through some old pictures and they looked sooo frail when they were born. Greg and I know we have done a great job because they are two happy and healthy boys! Also, I found a picture of my belly!! It is absolutely AMAZING that they were tangled in their together. We have come a LONG way! 

             We are excited to purchase another high chair tomorrow at Babies R’ Us. They offer a multiples discount on top of any coupons you have. I have become quite the coupon queen when it comes to purchasing baby items. With twins the costs definitely add up, and it is double everything! I NEVER buy anything there without a coupon! Greg cannot wait to start them on baby food. I had a coupon the other day and we got some banana, apple, and pear baby food! We are going to start putting them in their high chairs every night and sitting with us at the dinner table. Another add on to my daily routine! Also, we are looking into purchasing another play pin because of course they do not make one to hold twins!! AHHH so aggravating. We found a Graco pack in play at Costco for $40. That is by far the best deal we have found. Especially since we really only need it for traveling.

            Valentine’s day was wonderful this year. We spent It as a family. We played with the boys for hours and they loved it! (I am trying to take lots of videos, as I am working on a little project for Greg’s deployment!)Of course I did not make It to the grocery store earlier that day because the boys were a little cranky. I did not feel brave enough to take them to the store! When you have two screaming babies you get a lot of stares!! So we ordered in. My wonderful husband got me beautiful roses, and also a gift certificate to get a massage! I am so excited! Also, I got my first Mom card! Soo exciting!

               Everyone is doing really well. We are still enjoying all of our moments together. Trying to make so many memories with daddy. Greg leaves in March for a couple weeks, and then it will be on and off training for a while until deployment day. ( Sad face) July is going to come wayyyy to fast! But we are so thankful to God that he was here to see the boys being born, and to have lots of special time with them. Well I think it is time for me to go. I see the two little munchkins dozing off in their bouncer play sets! Its time for their mid morning nap! More updates to come soon!

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