Tuesday, September 6, 2011

27 Weeks :)

Great news from our appointment at Shands this morning!! The babies fluids are equaling out and the fluid levels are in the median range now. We were extremely excited to learn this news! It’s very complicated but basically the babies are not showing signs of twin to twin transfusion this week which is fantastic! They think the Ensures I have been drinking and the bed rest is helping the fluid levels. It hasn’t been three weeks yet so they could not measure their weights again. The doctor was so pleased with the way their hearts, and fluid levels were looking that we do not have to go back for another ultrasound until September 20th. However, we still have to go back next week for our office visit with the doctor. Both boys had good strong heart beats and they were squirming all over the place J Baby B has now flipped back to being head down again so both boys heads are next to each other. It’s so adorable! We are saying our prayers that things continue to stay this way for a little bit longer. We are very optimistic that we will make it to at least 30 weeks, and anything after that will be a blessing J My hubby has been absolutely amazing! He has gotten all of the baby clothes washed and organized in the nursery and he has been so supportive and caring towards my rollercoaster of emotions so far. If I even try to get up to get something I get scalded! Hehe. I must say, bed rest has become extremely boring! I was so upset to have to leave my job at the capitol after four years. Although I know listening to doctors orders is the best thing for our buns in the oven. A few things that I would like to share with everyone are exactly how I am feeling at 27 weeks pregnant with twins!! I am finding it next to impossible to breath these days, I can’t sleep without getting up to pee at least 5 times a night (no joke!), TUMS are still a major part of my daily diet, and I am hungry all the time! Last night at midnight I indulged in a whole bag of popcorn after eating dinner and a chocolate milkshake with an ensure of course for dessert!! Also, lately I have been feeling a little nauseas again just like in the first trimester. Lord please no!! Anyway I am trying to stay optimistic and I can put up with being uncomfortable for a little while longer as long as Jonathan and Christopher are happily growing and doing well J Also, I promise I will post some new baby belly pics this week (If I do not forget due to mush brain)!!

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