Thursday, September 1, 2011

Embracing the world of bed rest!

Lots of updates for everyone from Shands. We felt very comfortable with the new doctor. We had an amazing ultrasound tech and she took her time and looked each baby over thoroughly. She also checked the fluids from each baby. Baby B still had more fluid than baby A. Our doctor at Shands does not think that going to Miami to have the laser procedure would be beneficial to us right now because we are so far along in the pregnancy. The laser procedure can sometimes fix the problems of twin to twin transfusion and give some more time in the womb for the babies to grow stronger, but sometimes when you are as far along as me it cannot correct the problem completely. Since the laser procedure can only get to the larger blood vessels in the placenta to cauterize, it still leaves the smaller blood vessels to continue supplying more nutrients to one baby instead of equal distributing to each. We are being completely transferred over to the specialist at Shands , he is the director of the Fetal Medicine Department of Shands hospital in Gainesville. We feel very comfortable and confident in our new doctor. We will be going to Shands every week for the rest of the pregnancy for them to monitor the fluids of the babies. Our Doctor has informed us to bring a bag each week because there could be a chance of them admitting me to the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy or taking the babies out earlier than expected. Tuesday I got steroid shots to help produce the babies lungs faster and also help fight infection just in case they have to take the babies out earlier.  Right now we are hoping and praying to get at least four more weeks which would put us at 30 weeks. Some great news is that the boys are now 2 pounds each!!! Baby B was 2 pounds 1 ounce and Baby A was 2 pounds! It is amazing how they are so close in weight and it is a really good sign J The doctors have got me doubling my protein intake, and also I have been put on drinking two ensure protein shakes a day. There has been some research supporting increased protein intake can help fluid levels in identical twins. We toured the NICU while we were in the hospital this week and we felt very comforted by the nurses. They also gave us lots of information to read over and they stressed how important it is for us to feed the babies breast milk since it is so helpful to preemies. Also, I have now officially been put on complete bed rest. My cervix has been shortening so they think its best for me to be on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. So I’m sure I will have lots of time to blog and tell funny stories! Greg has been washing all the babies clothes and trying to get the nursery very organized just in case we end up staying at Shands. Our next appointment is Tuesday. The boys kick and roll ALL the time! We love sitting in bed at night watching them J Well I think I’m going to read up on my twins book and try to keep myself from not going crazy on bed rest!!

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