Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We have a date!

We eagerly waited for our appointment at Shands on Monday to get our scheduled C-Section date. We left very early in the morning, as we do every week. We got up at 5:00am and left the house by 5:30. I look forward to Shands days because Greg always gets me Starbucks! YUM! However, I do not look forward to waking up at the crack of dawn when I have had to get up to pee 10 times the night before. I have gained 5 more pounds which puts my total weight gain at 30 pounds! Ahhh depressing, but I know that it is a good thing because it means the boys are gaining too which is the most important thing. My blood pressure was great but I was still concerned about the problems I have been having with my heart racing. The Doctor seemed concerned as well and he ordered a 24 hour heart monitor for me to wear. It was just like a 24hour EKG test. That was an experience wearing all those wires. We will not get those results back for probably 2 weeks but hopefully sooner. The Doctor still thinks everything with the boys is looking great and the twin to twin transfusion is not presenting itself anymore. He thinks it is possible for me to go to 37 weeks ( amazing) depending on the results of the heart monitoring tests and how the boys continue to look on ultrasound. He scheduled our C-Section for November 15th. Yay! There is a light at the end of this LONG tunnel. Everyone who see's my belly does not think I’m going to make it that far. We will just continue to wait and see. I will be happy if we can at least make it to 35 weeks. Lately Greg and I have been thinking that since the boys are doing fantastic we might want to switch back to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital so we can deliver here. It is definitely a lot to go to Shands weekly and we are not so happy about having to deliver there. However, we want to do whatever is best for the boys. We have an appointment to meet back with our original doctor here in Tally on Monday, and then back to Shands Tuesday. So I will keep everyone updated! I am still having heartburn daily, and my belly is getting even bigger although I really didn’t think it was possible for it to get any bigger. Everywhere we go strangers make comments about how I look like I’m about to pop! The most common comments I get are "Any day now?" Ahhh it’s frustrating to explain to everyone " I’m pregnant with Twins!". Greg and I are trying to research everything we can about parenting twins, breastfeeding twins, how to tell our twins apart, and any other information and tips we can get our hands on that will make our journey with the boys a little easier. Next week will be 31 weeks so I’m hoping the time keeps flying by! I’m going to get my hospital bag ready this week just in case I were to go into pre-term labor (which happens a lot with twin pregnancies). Well I just indulged in some pumpkin pie and my belly is full so time to say night night!

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