Sunday, September 25, 2011

30 Weeks :)

Our appointment went extremely well last week!! Both of the babies fluids are in the normal range now which is fantastic! Baby A weighs 3 pounds 1 ounce, and Baby B weighs 3 pounds! We are so happy that the boys are strong and healthy and there is no sign of twin to twin transfusion anymore. Our doctor said that he is going to schedule our c-section 3-4 weeks from now.  We go back to Shands on Monday which is the day he is going to schedule the date! We are so excited that we are getting close! Things have been going pretty well until last weekend the day of the big game! I was feeling a lot of pressure and sharp pains so I finally decided we should go to Triage. I could not even get up into Greg’s truck which was awful so we ended up taking the car. The pain was so bad I could not walk so Greg got me a wheel chair. When we got to the room they hooked me and the babies up to the monitors. I was having lots of contractions and my blood pressure was very high, and so was my pulse. The babies heart beats were very strong and they were squirming all around. I don’t think they liked the loud noise of the heart monitors. After a while of monitoring the babies were perfectly fine, but my blood pressure was still really high, my pulse,  and I was still contracting. The doctor decided to give me a pre term labor shot to stop the contractions, however my pulse was so high they couldn’t give it to me so they went to plan B which was an oral medication. It worked for a while but then I was still contracting. They decided to try a different oral medication to help with my blood pressure and contractions. Also, they did some blood work to rule out preeclampsia and they did a fibronection test which detects pre term labor. Both came back negative which was great. After a little while longer of monitoring they decided that I was having severe round ligament pain and that I would probably be ok to rest at home instead of staying the night in the hospital. I was sure I was going into labor the pain was soooo bad! Thank God it was just round ligament pain because the boys need a little bit more time before they make their grand entrance.  Needless to say it was a very scary trip!! We are really excited to go to Shands tomorrow to find out what day the boys will be born! In other news heartburn has recently taken over my life once again and I have figured out each night I get up to pee every two hours. Bed rest is still soooo boring, and my belly is getting so big we cant believe it! We are so ready to hold our little boys in our arms! I am finally posting some pics today that we took at Maclay Gardens! Yes I know im supposed to be in the bed but I couldn’t resist getting up for a while to take some pregnancy pictures!

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