Wednesday, September 14, 2011

28 Weeks

So we met with our specialist on Monday and everyone is amazed as to how well the babies and I are doing. The fluid levels are getting so much better and both babies hearts are strong. Also, the babies are extremely active which is another good sign! The doctor thinks that if things continue to go this well I could carry them to 37 weeks. He will not let me go past that. I’m so miserable these days I’m not sure if I’m going to make it that long. My belly is measuring at 37 weeks prego!! Its amazing because I’m 28 weeks! Those boys are going to take after their daddy, I just know it! Next week is going to be exciting because on Tuesday they are measuring their weights again. We are hoping and praying that they are over 3 pounds, although by the looks of my belly I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. Well each week we get more and more excited. We are so happy that the problems have subsided and twin to twin transfusion is not looking like its going to develop anymore. It has been extremely stressful and scary the past few months. We just can’t wait to hold them in our arms! Bed rest is extremely boring but I think it is working! Now we just have to watch out for preterm labor because of all the pressure.  This weekend we are hoping to take some maternity pictures! I think Greg has gotten everything ready for their arrival and we finally tracked down two baby books to bring to the hospital. The only thing we have not bought yet is a playard.  So I will be trying to keep myself busy searching the internet for good reviews on them. Every day I watch making room for multiples on TLC to try and pick up any helpful hints we might need! It’s definitely going to be an adventure with the twins, but I know we are ready! I will definitely be posting our pictures this weekend :)

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